A new kid on the VI (vapor intrusion) block

For the first time in almost thirty (30) years, the USEPA added to the list of hazardous air pollutants a man-made solvent, 1-bromopropane, a cleaning solvent used at dry cleaners, and for metal degreasing. From the Post’s article (link below) is a quote from risk analysis and human health expert Adam Finkel:

“Putting it on the list was supposed to be easy,” said Adam M. Finkel, who used to direct the health standards programs at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and warned of the dangers of 1-bromopropane 20 years ago.

“I hate the term no-brainer, but this is a no-brainer,” he added. “It’s a toxic air pollutant, so it belongs on the list of toxic air pollutants.”


National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 7840, 1-Bromopropane. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/1-Bromopropane. (Accessed Mar. 6, 2022.)


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