Oklahoma Poultry Farm Bill Getting the Criticism it Rightfully Deserves
Adair County resident Clarence Manning, left, speaks with attorney David Page, center, microbiologist Valerie Harwood and geochemist Bert Fisher at his home just downhill from a large poultry operation.
- Kelly Bostian, KJBOoutdoors
The Farm Bureau would rather act as a hack for big corporate farming than hold corporate poultry operations responsible for the water and air pollution to the community around them. If passed, HB 4118 would allow these corporate poultry operations to be shielded from responsibility by “creating a presumption that compliance with a current Nutrient Management Plan insulates poultry growers, operators, integrators, and waste applicators from any private right of action or any collateral enforcement; establishing that the Oklahoma Registered Poultry Feeding Operations Act grants statutory immunity from nuisance liability.” This is an especially dangerous presumption for anyone who lives near these farming operations as they are often unable to enjoy their property due to the strong poultry odor and dust, and their ground and surface waters are polluted.
“It would create a defense the poultry companies will use to defend their activities,” Page said. “We will continue to argue and take them to court until we find a fair-minded judge. It’s my opinion that the bill is solidly unconstitutional. They’re trying to take away Oklahoman’s private property rights and give our land away to a bunch of big poultry companies.” Regardless of what happens with HB 4118 we will be here to protect the rights of all Oklahomans.